help SwyxIt! Functions in DetailRedial › Automatic Redial
Automatic Redial
Automatic Redial offers you the option of redialing a target number until the selected line is no longer busy. You are free to define the time period between two dial attempts. If Automatic Redial is activated, the Redial button is animated. The selected number is shown in the input field during the dialing procedure, and the state of the line changes. However, no ringing is produced. If the connection is made, you will then hear a ringing signal.
The line last used is always used for automatic redial. If you make a call during the automatic redial, the redial is interrupted for the duration of the call, and resumed afterwards. If you are called by the target number and you pick up this call, the Automatic Redial will be cancelled.
If you call Automatic Redial again using a different number, before the connection is made, then the first order expires. Automatic Redial always exists for one target number only.
You can cancel an Automatic Redial operation at any time.
To start Automatic Redial 
You have several options:
1 Go to the menu bar and click on “Functions | Automatic Redial...”.
1 Click with the right mouse button on the Redial Line.
The context menu will appear.
2 Click on “Automatic Redial…”.
In each case, the ”Automatic Redial” window will appear.
3 Enter the target number here to which you would like to start an Automatic Redial.
4 Enter the time period in seconds, which should pass between two dial attempts.
5 Click on "Start".
The number you have entered will now be dialed until the line is no longer busy, you cancel Automatic Redial, or you dial another number. When dialing, the icon in the tray will change and you will hear a dialing tone.
The state of the Line button when using automatic redial only changes from “Free” to “Dialing” if SwyxIt! is dialing the desired number.
If the Redial List is configured so that Automatic Redial is always used (option "Always use automatic redial"), then clicking on the Redial List will cause the automatic redial of the last number to start. This option is deactivated by default. You can activate this option in the Properties of the Redial List.
To end Automatic Redial 
You have several options:
1 Click on the Redial button.
1 Click with the right mouse button on the Redial button.
The context menu will appear.
2 Click on “Cancel autom Redial”.
1 Click in the menu bar on “Functions | Cancel autom. Redial”.
1 Click with the right mouse button on the SwyxIt! user interface.
The context menu will appear.
2 Click on “Functions | Cancel autom. Redial”.
The Automatic Redial will be cancelled.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019