help The Use of SkinsEditing SkinSwyxIt! Web Extension › Configuring SwyxIt! Web Extension
Configuring SwyxIt! Web Extension
When you have created a new Skin element "SwyxIt! Web Extension", you first have to configure it. You can select various options in this.
On the “General” tab, you can set general options such as the position and the background image.
On the tab “SwyxIt! Web Extension“ you can specify additional options such as the URL to be shown in the browser area and the event for which the Web content is loaded; or you can link the content to a specific line. You can also specify whether the contents should be displayed in a separate browser window or within the browser area defined on the skin.
You can configure the SwyxIt! Web Extension in such a way that different browser content is shown depending on the circumstances. See also Events.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019