help The Use of SkinsEditing Skin › Copying between Skins
Copying between Skins
In order to simplify the creation or modification of a Skin, it is possible to copy elements from one Skin to another.
To copy elements from one Skin to another 
1 Load the first Skin (To load another Skin).
2 Highlight one or more objects (To highlight several objects).
3 Copy these objects to the Clipboard, (To copy several existing objects).
4 Close the first Skin without saving it, (To finish Skin Editing).
5 Load the second Skin (To load another Skin).
6 Paste the copied elements from the Clipboard by clicking with the right mouse button on the interface.
The context menu will appear.
7 Click on "Insert".
The objects are pasted from the Clipboard and can now you can edit them further.
8 Define the properties of the elements by clicking on them to open the ”Properties of…” page.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019