Licensing SwyxWare Licensing Procedure Licenses for Clients
Licenses for Clients
The number of telephony clients who can log on to SwyxServer is limited to four per user. This means that a user can e.g. log on simultaneously to a Desktop Client, additional SwyxPhones at the workstation and a further SwyxPhone in the conference room. Logon with a mobile client is not considered by the amount of allowed devices.
Licenses for desk phones
With SwyxWare you can use both, the telephony client and desk phones.
A separate license is required for each desk phone that is to be operated using SwyxWare. When telephones are purchased within a SwyxWare installation (SwyxPhone), this individual license is included, i.e. SwyxServer will either recognize the system phone automatically (Whitelist), see SwyxPhone, or an individual license for the system phone is included in the package, see Install and update Whitelist. The “Licenses” Tab
Desk Phone
License type
System Phone (phones by Unify)
System phone license
Certified SIP phones
SwyxPLUS Feature Pack for Certified SIP Phones
If a desk phone cannot log on due to a missing license and no licenses have been provided, please contact the supplier of this desk phone.
A desk phone license does not include a user license, it only serves to authorize the system phone to SwyxServer.
If a user is simultaneously logged on to SwyxServer with a SwyxIt! and a desk phone, he will only need one user license but he will also need a license for the desk phone if it is not a SwyxPhone.
Licenses for Swyx Mobile
The functions of SwyxWare can also be used by mobile devices while traveling. For this
* der Administrator für den The user die option Swyx Mobile verfügbar machen (in den User Properties auf der The “Rights” Tab“)
* The user himself -or the administrator for him- activates the use of Swyx Mobile on the "Mobile Extensions" tab in the redirections.
The Swyx Mobile licenses are single licenses and apply to the number of users who have activated this option in their redirections.
The Swyx Mobile license is an additional license for a user who is already configured and licensed.
The special user MobileExtensionManager, who is created within SwyxWare for Swyx Mobile, does not need a separate user license.