Licensing Licenses Scope of license for SwyxWare for Data Center Licenses for Swyx Mobile
Licenses for Swyx Mobile
The functions of SwyxWare can also be used by mobile devices while traveling. For this
* the administrator must make the Swyx Mobile option available for the user (in the user properties on the "Rights" tab)
* the user himself - or the administrator on his behalf - must activate the use of Swyx Mobile in the Forwardings on the "Mobile Extensions" tab
The Swyx Mobile licenses are individual licenses and are valid for the number of users who have activated this option in their call forwarding.
The Swyx Mobile license is an additional license for a user who is already configured and licensed.
The special user MobileExtensionManager, who is created within SwyxWare for Swyx Mobile, does not need a separate user license.