SwyxConnect 5000/8000 Configuring SwyxConnect 5000/8000 for use with SwyxWare
Configuring SwyxConnect 5000/8000 for use with SwyxWare
Not all the necessary settings for using SwyxConnect 5000/8000 with SwyxWare can be selected in the web configuration. Swyx provides some INI files as templates, which are necessary to make specific settings for SwyxConnect 5000/8000.
The following steps are required for startup:
* Preparing SwyxWare, i.e. creating SIP gateway trunks and SwyxWare users; setting up SwyxWare locations, if necessary
* Connection of SwyxConnect 5000/8000 to the LAN and the PSTN
* Configuration and installation of the customized INI files on SwyxConnect 5000/8000