help Creating and editing UsersDefining client settings for selected Users › Defining settings for lists und buttons
Defining settings for lists und buttons
You can define the maximum number of list entries that can be saved and the actions that can be started when certain buttons are clicked.
If you have permitted “Change User Profile” for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt!, see also Defining rights.
To define the lists and buttons settings for a User 
1 In the menu, select “User”.
*A list appears with all Users.
2 In the line of the appropriate User, click on .
3 Click on the sub-menu item “Client Settings” that additionally appears.
4 Click on the “Lists and Buttons” tab.
Number of shortcuts
Enter the number of shortcuts, which should be available to the User.
Caller list (maximum number of entries)
Enter the maximum number of entries in the User’s Caller list.
Redial list (maximum number of entries)
Enter the maximum number of entries in the User’s Redial list.
Timeout for Automatic Redial (in seconds)
Enter seconds Enter the number of seconds between two call attempts (0 to 3600 seconds).
Standard behavior of the Voicemail button
Select which action is started when the voicemail button is clicked (the other option is still available via the context menu):
Launch email client
The User’s standard email program appears.
Voicemail remote inquiry
The User’s remote inquiry starts.
Immediate dialing
Activate the checkbox if you want the automatic redial to start when you click the redial button.
If the option is deactivated, the phone number is only entered in the input field and the User must click on the receiver or enter button.
Always use Automatic Redial
Activate the checkbox if you always want the automatic redial to start when you click the redial button.
If the option is deactivated, the phone number is only entered in the input field and the User must click on the receiver or enter button.
5 Click on “Save”.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019