help Creating and editing Users › Editing the encryption settings
Editing the encryption settings
You can edit the settings for the encryption of voice data.
To edit the encryption settings for a User 
1 In the menu, select “User”.
*A list appears with all Users.
2 In the line of the appropriate User, click on .
3 Click on the “Encryption” tab.
If "No encryption" or "Encryption required" is set in the server-wide settings, you cannot change the setting for individual Users, see also SwyxWare Administration Documentation, chapter "Configuration of SwyxServer", Section “’Security‘ Tab".
Encryption mode
Select the settings for the encryption of voice data:
No encryption
If “No encryption” is selected, the speech data is not encrypted.
Encryption preferred
If "Encryption preferred" is selected, the speech data is only encrypted if your call partner has configured either the "Encryption preferred" or "Encryption mandatory” mode. If this is not the case, the voice data is not encrypted, but telephony is still possible.
Encryption mandatory
If "Encryption mandatory" is selected, voice data encryption is obligatory. This means that either encryption always occurs or the call is aborted with the reason "Incompatible encryption settings". This can be the case, for example, if the call partner has configured the "No encryption” mode.
Pre-shared key
Enter a pre-shared key if the User uses SIP devices (with MIKEY support) from a third-party manufacturer. The key must then be stored in the device as well, e. g. via the phone's web interface.
The key (PSK) is allocated automatically for Swyx components.
Repeat pre-shared key
Enter the pre shared again to confirm your entry.
4 Click on “Save”.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019