help Licensing › Creating a license activation key
Creating a license activation key
To license your features and feature profiles online, you must create an activation key in Swyx Control Center, send it to your service provider and complete the activation in Swyx Control Center, see also the SwyxWare documentation for administrators, chapter “Licensing”, section “Online licensing”.
To create an activation key 
1 In the menu, select “General Settings | Licenses and Features”.
2 Click on “Create activation key”.
*An activation key has been created. The previous key is no longer valid.
3 Send the activation key to your service provider.
4 Click on “Activate” if your service provider has noticed you about the activation via Swyx licensing server.
5 Click on “Update license information” to check the licensing.
*The activation is completed and the ordered features are available for you.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019