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Options and Option Packs
For certain use scenarios, supplementary modules are offered which significantly expand the functional scope of SwyxWare. These supplementary modules can either be added as option packs (e.g. Extended Call Routing for all users of a SwyxServer), or as options (single licenses for a certain number of SwyxFax users).
SwyxBCR (Basic Call Routing)
The option "SwyxBCR" for SwyxWare for DataCenter includes the use of the Call Routing Managers.
SwyxECR (Extended Call Routing)
This option pack contains the full usage of the Graphical Script Editor. This is an additional component of the SwyxIt! software, which offers the user a comfortable interface especially to clearly define and illustrate complex rules for call handling.
Certain functions are supplied only by the the Graphical Script Editor, such as the access to email directories, the creation of queues or the addition of your own scripts. It is a significant extension of the Call Routing Manager.
The option pack offers professional conference management. You can hold conferences with numerous participants (more than three), and virtual conference rooms can be set up into which the individual subscribers can dial independently of one another, both from the company network and from outside.
For using conferences you must appropriately extend the number of calls to a location. See the SwyxWare Documentation for Administrators, chapter “Locations”, section “Conference and limitation of the calls to a location”.
The option "SwyxAdHocConference" for SwyxWare for DataCenter enables the user to initiate conferences spontaneously with more than three users. See alsoScope of functions in SwyxWare for DataCenter and SwyxON.
If the "SwyxRecord" option pack is installed, then during a call a user can independently record the conversation (or terminate this recording) with a click of the mouse. For users with other terminal devices, e.g. SwyxPhone, SIP phones or GSM phones (or with SwyxIt! in CTI mode), the conversations can be recorded directly on the trunk connection.
The option pack "SwyxProfessional" includes the option packs SwyxRecord, SwyxConference, SwyxECR, and SwyxFax available for all SwyxWare users.
This function is not available for SwyxON.
The SwyxMonitor option pack requires the SwyxRecord option pack.
The SwyxMonitor option pack includes two options: permanent call recording, and intrusion on a conversation (Silent Call Intrusion).
*Permanent call recording
On any trunk connection, the calls for selected internal numbers can be permanently recorded. It can be specified whether one or both sides of the conversation are recorded. This option is often used in call center scenarios for training purposes, or for calls in which important transactions are authorized.
*Silent Call Intrusion
In a call center, the supervisor can useSwyxIt! to intrude on an ongoing conversation and listen in, give directions to the speaking call center agent (e.g. advice on presenting the case) or even actively join in the call.
You are obliged to adhere to any legal requirements when using the SwyxMonitor option pack.
SwyxMonitor-functions are only available when CTI is deactivated.
Swyx Connector for IBM Notes
The Swyx option pack for IBM Notes offers the following functions:
*Direct dialing from IBM Notes.
*Display of IBM Notes contacts (for incoming call, from lists)
*The search function in the SwyxIt! input field and the phonebook also searches IBM Notes contacts
*Name resolution from IBM Notes for incoming calls and for list search
*IBM Notes on the Speed Dial button.
SwyxFax Server is a component of SwyxServer. With this component you can send and receive fax documents. SwyxFax uses the same connection to the public network as SwyxServer, typically an ISDN trunk. SwyxFax Server Can be installed on the same computer as the ISDN card of the ISDN trunk, but also on another permanently running computer, which is connected via an IP network to the ISDN trunk (SwyxWare uses the T.38 protocol for secure transmission).
Licenses for SwyxFax users
The number of SwyxFax Client installations is unlimited. Licensed is the number of users who have configured a fax number and configured at least one fax forwarding (to SwyxFax Client, to an e-mail address or a printer).
This Option allows you to control a third party phone with CTI SwyxIt! or link with an external phone via its phone number.
The number of users with this option must be licensed.
Swyx VisualContacts
Swyx VisualContacts is an option which allows a SwyxIt! user to access various contact data bases via the ESTOS MetaDirectory.
All SwyxIt! users, who want to use the Swyx VisualContacts upgrade, need a Swyx VisualContacts license. SwyxIt! allocates this license during log on to the SwyxServer, if Swyx VisualContacts is installed.
Swyx Connector für DATEV
Swyx Connector für DATEV is an option that integrates the DATEV telephony function into SwyxIt!.
All SwyxIt! users who use the integration with DATEV need a Swyx Connector für DATEV license. SwyxIt! retrieves this license when registering at SwyxServer, if Swyx Connector für DATEV is installed. Users with a Swyx Connector für DATEV license do not need an additional Swyx VisualContacts license.
Feature Pack für zertifizierte SIP-Telefone
Feature Pack für zertifizierte SIP-Telefone is not supported in the standby scenario (SwyxStandby).
This option offers the possibility to use extended SwyxWare functionalities, such as CTI, integration of the global phone book and various system phone functions, with certified third-party SIP phones. The scope of functions depends on the provider and telephone model.
Swyx VisualGroups
This function is not available for SwyxON.
The number of queues used in a customer instance is not limited. A user can be assigned to an unlimited number of queues with a user license. For CPE/on-premise installations the user license is floating based, i.e. only as many user licenses are needed as users are logged into VisualGroups queues.
Statistics, reporting and wallboards are only included in the Enhanced version.
Swyx VisualGroups
Swyx VisualGroups Enhanced
Administration missed calls
The documentation for Swyx VisualGroups from version 1.1 can be found on the Swyx website.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019