Swyx develops and markets powerful solutions for company telephony.
In contrast to the old telephone exchanges, the "SwyxWare" telephone system is a pure software solution, using the existing standard computer platform: telephony thus becomes a network application like your e-mail system, your ERP system for company data management, or your CRM system for management of your customer and prospects database.
What is SwyxWare?
Swyx is a software which turns your computer into a powerful and user friendly telephony system.
This telephone system can grow almost seamlessly from a few telephone subscribers to company sizes of around 1000 subscribers, simply by adding licenses and without cost-intensive hardware replacement.
SwyxWare offers a flexibility and capability for its telephone users, who can choose freely between a wide variety of telephone terminals.
You'll find details and advice on the efficient use of SwyxWare, interesting use cases and tips and tricks for the operation of more complex SwyxWare installations, not only in this manual but also on the Swyx Internet pages at:
Last modified date: 02.17.2020