The “Advanced” Tab
User Codec for voice mails
Define here whether the general server settings should be used to compress the Voicemail files attached on the email or select a user-defined compression.
Calendar Access
Enter the Mailbox alias, the name, or the email address which is assigned to this user on the Microsoft Exchange server or the IBM Notes Domino Server. The necessary information (i. e. the user’s calendar) for calendar-based Call Management will then be called from this server. Click “Verify” to check whether your entries are correct.
Welcome E-mail
Send the user an Email with his registration data and most important configurations.
The user can register his SwyxIt! Client with SwyxServer using this data and also has an overview of the configuration which you have determined for him.
The configurations are automatically transferred to new generation clients when the user accesses the corresponding URL in the welcome E-mail and is therefore forwarded to his Client.
Most of the configurations are linked with the template for the Welcome emails via variables. When sending, the variables are then automatically replaced by the configurations. A list of all the variables is provided as a comment at the beginning of the template.
Some configurations for next generation Clients are not determined in the SwyxWare Administration, but are preset using values in the Welcome email template or automatically determined by the installation, see How to edit the template for welcome E-mails.
You have the following options for sending Welcome emails:
*Use standard email
The standard email incorporates the most important configurations needed by the user for registration and telephoning.
*Adapt email individually
Edit the template from which the welcome E-mails are generated before sending the mail. To add or change configurations, see How to edit the template for welcome E-mails.
How to send a Welcome email 
1 Edit the template for welcome E-mails as required.
2 Click on the “Send welcome E-mail” button.
The welcome E-mail is sent to the E-mail address which you have configured for the user when setting up or editing.
You can also, for example, use the SwyxWare PowerShell module to send Standard and individual welcome emails to selected user groups, see PowerShell support.
Settings which have already been determined before accessing the configuration URL in Swyx Mobile apps are overwritten with the settings in the URL. Settings which are not in the URL are maintained in Swyx Mobile apps.
Uses of the Swyx Mobile apps can also skip the automatic configuration and therefore maintain the settings already determined in the app.
Users of Swyx Mobile apps can use the URLs you send them several times, e. g. to restore configurations.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020