help Standby SwyxServer › Action with Network Problems
Action with Network Problems
If the two servers lose contact with each other, the passive server becomes active. Both servers, master and standby, are then active. Once contact has been restored, the master server remains active and the standby server becomes passive (Conflict of states).
This leads to the following actions:
If the master server is active, nothing is changed after a network problem is resolved: the master server remains active. If, however, the standby server has been active before the network failure, the master server will be activated after the problem is resolved, i.e. a switch is made, which has been caused by the network failure.
Time Delay of Switching
If the active SwyxServer service issues no reply for more than two minutes, a switch occurs between the master and standby system. This delay gives the service control manager on the active server the opportunity to resolve the problem himself by restarting the SwyxServer service.
If the active server cannot be reached because of another problem (network outage, computer failure), the switch occurs at once, i.e. within about 10 seconds.
Suspension of Network Access for Maintenance
If you want to suspend the network contact of one of the two systems, e.g. for maintenance purposes, please observe the following steps:
*Make sure that the system is passive.
Open the SwyxWare Administration for this, connect to the master system, and switch if necessary to the other system.
*During the network interruption the SwyxServer service should not be started, to prevent an unplanned activation of this system.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020