help ScriptsRemote Inquiry › Name Announcement
Name Announcement
In order to play both the number and the name of the caller for other internal subscribers, the first time SwyxIt! is started with the help of the announcement wizard, a file called 'name.wav' is recorded and saved in the database. Before the Voicemail is played, the internal caller is identified based on the number, and the file 'name.wav' will be played from his personal files. Alternatively, the administrator can create a WAV file for every user in the database, which contains the spoken name of the user and which has this name as a file name.
For the user "John Smith", a file labeled "John Smith.wav" is saved in this directory and this file contains the spoken name "John Smith". If John Smith left a Voicemail for user Baker, Mr. Baker will not only hear the number of Mr. Smith but he will also be played the "John Smith.wav" file.
The name announcement also functions for incoming external calls if the number is signaled for such a call and if a corresponding entry has been made in the global or personal phonebook.
A caller from 00123456789 leaves a Voicemail for user Baker. In the global phonebook, there is an entry for the number 00123456789 under the name "Sample Company (Ms. Schmidt)". If you then save a WAV file with the name "Sample Company (Ms. Schmidt).wav" in the aforementioned directory, this will be played when Mr. Baker listens to his Voicemail by Remote Inquiry.
See also the SwyxIt! documentation.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020