help ScriptsRemote Inquiry › Call Forwarding Configuration for Remote Inquiry
Call Forwarding Configuration for Remote Inquiry
To listen to voice mails remotely, you must configure your Call Forwarding in such a way that you reach the Remote Inquiry menu with a telephone call:
*If there are no other call routing rules activated, configure "Call Forwarding No Reply" in such a way that calls are forwarded to your Standard Voicemail. To ensure access to Remote Inquiry even after changes to Call Forwarding Unconditional, open the Call Routing Manager and prioritize the Call Forwarding rule "Call Forwarding No Reply" by putting this rule at the beginning. During the welcome announcement the caller can use the *- key to reach the Remote Inquiry menu.
*If call routing rules are enabled, please make sure to include the remote inquiry option. See also the Call Routing Manager documentation.
*If no call routing rules are enabled, and the immediate call forwarding is changed, (e.g. from the standard voicemail to another number), the caller can no longer perform a remote inquiry, i.e. he/she can no longer change or disable the immediate call forwarding remotely. To avoid this, create a call routing rule and place it before the immediate call forwarding in the list of rules. Such a rule could be, for example, always forward calls to Voicemail that are made from your mobile phone. In this manner, you will always be forwarded to your Voicemail and thus to Remote Inquiry when you call from your mobile phone.
If you configure a Remote Inquiry within a Call Forwarding or system rule, you will always be asked for your user PIN. There is no checkbox for this. If a user is calling from his own extension number, for which this Call Forwarding was configured, he will not be asked for his PIN.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020