Use of System Variables
In SwyxIt!, program calls can be started at various points, e.g.
*Program call on shortcuts
*Program call using the context menu of a Speed Dial
*Composition of a web link within the SwyxIt! Web Extension
Windows system variables can be used, but also SwyxWare variables:
Number of the conversation partner
(both call directions)
Name of the conversation partner
(both call directions)
Name and number of the conversation partner
(%SelLinePeername%, %SelLinePeernumber%), if both are available, otherwise just name or number
Internal number of the person being called
blank for outgoing calls
Name of the person being called
blank for outgoing calls
Name and number of the person being called
(%SelLineCalledname%, %SelLineCallednumber%), if both are available, otherwise just name or number
Own SwyxWare user name
as displayed in SwyxIt!
SwyxServer Name
as displayed in SwyxIt!
Number configured on the Speed Dial
Label configured on the Speed Dial
File name of the image configured on the speed Dial
Signals the status of the user configured on the Speed Dial
*0: Unknown
*1: Logged off
*2: Available
*3: Currently talking
*4: Call signaling/pickup possible

1 Only usable in context menu of a Speed Dial (Customer-specific context menu for Speed Dials)

Last modified date: 02.17.2020