help Connection of SwyxPhone and SwyxIt! Use of SwyxPhone Lxxx › Initial operation of theSwyxPhone Lxxx
Initial operation of theSwyxPhone Lxxx
When the phones are set up at the workstations and connected to the network, SwyxWare Administration is used to search for the new phones and distribute the IP address of the PhoneManager.
Please note that for a successful assignment of the user account, the automatic log on must be enabled and the field for the MAC address must be empty. This will be the case for both when dealing with a newly created user. See The Tab "SwyxPhone Lxxx".
See also the SwyxPhone documentation.
How to install SwyxPhone Lxxx with display 
1 Start SwyxWare Administration.
In the Server Properties open the “SwyxPhone Search” tab.
2 Enter the IP address range from which the IP addresses (per DHCP) will be assigned.
3 Begin the search by clicking on “Start”.
The PhoneController stops the search automatically after an hour.
4 Connect one or more SwyxPhones on to the LAN and the power supply.
SwyxPhone is found by the PhoneController and logs on to the PhoneManager using the assigned IP address.
5 On the display of the SwyxPhone Lxxx the prompt for PIN entry will appear.
If the user enters his PIN and confirms this with “OK”, the SwyxPhone is then logged on.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020