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Feature Profiles:
The required SwyxWare functions are summarized in feature profiles, see also Functions in Detail
The following function profiles are offered as standard:
The feature profiles contain the following functions:
Feature Profiles:
Updates: Regular software updates (SwyxFlex only)
Telephone system and UC functionality
Connections: Voice and fax channels
SwyxBCR (Basic Call Routing)
SwyxECR (Extended Call Routing)
SwyxMeeting (2 participants only)
Swyx Mobile
Swyx VisualContacts
Swyx Connector for Skype
In addition, desired functions can be combined to form an individual function profile, depending on your company's requirements.
You must consider the following rules when ordering feature profiles:
Swyx VisualContacts
The technical prerequisite for this function is the installation of the ESTOS or C4B application. The corresponding server licenses are not part of the SwyxFlex model and must be purchased separately.
Voice and fax channels
The number of voice and fax channel licenses defines how many telephone calls or fax transmissions can be carried out in parallel on SwyxServer. Voice and fax channels are generally free of charge, but their maximum number is limited by the following rule:
*The number of voice channels must not exceed the number of ordered function profiles multiplied by two.
If you have ordered 50 function profiles, up to 100 voice channels can be used.
*The number of fax channels may not exceed the total number of ordered Professional and Premium Functional Profiles.
If you have ordered 20 Professional and 10 Premium Function Profiles, you may use up to 30 fax channels.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020