help SwyxWare InstallationInstallation of SwyxServer › Installing Swyx Control Center via command line
Installing Swyx Control Center via command line
You can also start the installation of Swyx Control Center by opening it via the command line. Start the installation with the command "msiexec /i". You can control the scope and the progress of the installation with certain parameters, e. g.:
msiexec /i "SwyxControlCenter.msi" /passive /l*v MyLogFile.txt WEBSITEFOLDER= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Swyx" INSTALLPORT=9443 INSTALLSHORTCUT=1 SHOULDUNINSTALLIIS=0
You can use the following parameters:
msiexec /i
Start of installation
Name of installation file
Please check that the name of the MSI installation file is correct.
Use this parameter to display the installation progress bar. No prompts or error messages are displayed. The installation cannot be aborted.
/l*v <FileName>.txt
Use this parameter to record the installation process in a log file.
This option allows you to set the directory in which the IIS-Website is to be installed. Standard value: /swyxcontrolcenter
This option allows you to set the port for the IIS web site, (from 1 to 65535) default value: 9443.
You can use this option to specify whether a desktop shortcut is to be stored for the call.
(=0:no, Default value: =1:yes).
With this option you can define if IIS should be deactivated during SwyxWare uninstallation (=1:yes, default value: =0:no).
Last modified date: 02.17.2020