help Encryption › Configure Encryption Mode Globally for SwyxServer
Configure Encryption Mode Globally for SwyxServer
The encryption mode can be set globally for SwyxServers at user and trunk level.
This is how you specify the encryption mode globally for SwyxServer 
1 Start the SwyxWare Administration and log on to the SwyxServer.
Click the SwyxServer entry with the right mouse button to open the context menu.
2 Select “Properties”.
3 Select the “Security" tab.
4 In the field "Encryption mode", choose from:
*No encryption
The voice data is not encrypted. The selection of "No encryption" affects the configuration of the encryption within both the user and the trunk properties (Exceptions). Here the mode is likewise set to "No encryption", and cannot be changed by the user. The field is deactivated within the user and trunk properties.
*Encryption preferred
If "Encryption preferred" is selected, encryption only occurs if both call partners have configured either "Encryption preferred" or "Encryption mandatory". If this is not the case, the voice data is not encrypted, but phoning is still possible. With this encryption mode, the user is allowed to change the mode within his settings. The encryption mode can also be changed within the trunk properties.
*Encryption mandatory
When "Encryption mandatory" is selected, voice data encryption is obligatory. This means that either encryption always occurs or the call is aborted with the reason "Incompatible encryption settings". This is the case, for example, when the other party has configured "No encryption". The selection of "Encryption mandatory" affects the configuration of the encryption within both the user and the trunk properties (Exceptions). Here the mode is likewise set to "Encryption mandatory", and cannot be changed by the user. The field is deactivated within the user and trunk properties.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020