help RoutingRouting configuration › The "Source" Tab
The "Source" Tab
You can say on this tab whether the origin of the call is used for making a decision. If nothing is configured, the routing rule applies to all calls.
Phone number
You can enter an internal number or URI here. The routing rule then applies to all calls which signal this number or URI (internal SwyxWare user or group). If calls coming over this trunk are to be forwarded according to this rule, enter the number or URI here in canonical format. The number is matched from the beginning onward. If you enter here, for example, "21", the routing rule applies to all callers, whose number starts with a “21”, see Placeholder.
User, Members of Group and Users of Location
You can use further selection criteria here. This rule can be set for a particular SwyxWare user or for the members of a group. Belonging to a location can also be a selection criterion. You can also combine the two criteria "Members of Group" and "Users of Location" (e.g. All users of the "Support" group at the "Munich" location). The criterion "Number" can equally be combined with the other criteria (User, Members of Group and Users of Location). In combinations, both criteria must be satisfied (logical AND).
Last modified date: 02.17.2020