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Feature Profiles in the Standard Installation
In SwyxWare the feature profile "Standard" is pre-configured.. This profile contains all available functions, depending on the option packs installed (Options and Option Packs).
This profile is also assigned to the users "Conference", and "Operator".
You can create profiles which provide a different combination of functions for a user. You can also specify whether this profile should be used as the default profile for all new users.
The following functions are available for selection when creating a feature profile:
The user is able to log in, to make phone calls and to forward calls.
This functionality is the basis for all other functions.
Control a SwyxPhone or a SwyxIt! with CTI SwyxIt! (SwyxWare component)
The user can use SwyxFax, either directly as a printer or the SwyxFax Client.
SwyxFax license or SwyxProfessional option
The user has at his disposal an answering machine, which can record voice messages and can forward them as email to the user. The user can check these messages by remote enquiry, and also remotely configure his announcements and Call Forwarding Unconditional.
(Integral part of the SwyxWare)
The user can record calls spontaneously, i.e. during a call with SwyxIt!, the conversation or parts of it can be recorded spontaneously.
SwyxRecord or SwyxProfessional option
Basic Call Routing
The user can use the Call Routing Manager (create scripts and run them).
SwyxBCR*- or SwyxProfessional option
Extended call routing
With the help the Graphical Script Editor, the user can define a complex set of rules and represent it graphically.
SwyxECR or SwyxProfessional option
The user (SwyxIt! and SwyxPhone) can initiate conferences spontaneously.
SwyxConference license resp. SwyxProfessional option
The user can use a system phone as a terminal in addition to SwyxIt!. In this context, a system phone is a device which is not listed in the SwyxPhone Whitelist and therefore requires a SwyxPhone license.
SwyxPhone License
A user with the corresponding authorization can intrude on calls of this user.
SwyxMonitor Option
IBM Notes
The user can use SwyxIt! with IBM Notes.
Swyx Option Pack for IBM Notes
Swyx VisualContacts
The user can use Swyx VisualContacts.
Licensed option Swyx VisualContacts
Swyx Connector für DATEV
The user can use Swyx Connector für DATEV.
Licensed option Swyx Connector für DATEV
Swyx VisualGroups
The user can use Swyx VisualGroups.
Licensed option Swyx VisualGroups Standard or Enhanced
Feature Pack for Certified SIP Phones
This option offers the possibility to use extended SwyxWare functionalities, such as CTI, integration of the global phone book and various system phone functions, with certified third-party SIP phones. The scope of functions depends on the provider and telephone model.
With CTI SwyxIt!, a third person device or an external phone can be controlled via its phone number.
Requirement: Licensed option SwyxCTI+
SwyxBCR is included in SwyxWare.
The usage of SwyxWare functions is defined in the user properties, and is not immediately identical to the feature profile.
Example 1:
A user's profile must contain the SwyxECR feature, so that a script (which was created e.g. by the administrator for this user with the Graphical Script Editor) can also be used by this user. To prevent this user from changing the script himself, the Graphical Script Editor is deactivated, see The “Properties…” Dialog: The “Rights” Tab.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020