help Internal connections (BRI/PRI)SwyxWare as the main telecommunication system › Configuration of the ISDN trunk group and ISDN trunks (SwyxGate lines)
Configuration of the ISDN trunk group and ISDN trunks (SwyxGate lines)
To connect a sub-PBX to SwyxServer, a corresponding ISDN trunk group (SwyxGate lines) must be configured.
How to configure the ISDN trunk group and trunks to the sub-PBX 
1 Create an ISDN trunk group (This is how you create an ISDN trunk group).
2 In the context menu, select "Properties".
3 On the "Profile" tab, select the profile "Internal Lines".
The number format is set according to the default setting.
4 Leave the public line access blank. In this case SwyxWare is the superior telecommunication system.
5 If other number ranges are used in the range of the sub-PBX, configure the number replacement accordingly.
6 On the "Routes" tab, specify which calls from SwyxWare will be forwarded to the sub-PBX.
7 On the "Rights" tab, define the rights of the calls that are made from this sub-PBX into SwyxWare, e.g. whether these may be forwarded to the public telephone network.
8 Select the location of the sub-PBX on the "Location" tab.
9 End the configuration of the ISDN trunk group with "OK".
10 Next, set up one or more ISDN trunks belonging to this trunk group. You can allow only incoming or only outgoings calls for these, for example.
If you configure a spontaneous public line access for the sub-PBX (sub-telecommunication system), the lines within the sub-PBX will behave as if they were directly operated on SwyxWare.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020