Global Phonebook
Here, you can set the storage location for telephone book files being imported. Clicking on "load" imports telephone book files.
The import file may contain a maximum of 3000 entries.
Import files are allowed in the formats .csv, .tvt, and .xml.
Import Requirements for .csv and .tvt
Names must not be longer than 23 characters, phone numbers must not be longer than 21 characters (all other characters are truncated or the entry is not saved).
Names must have the following format:
First name Last name
Example: John Jones
Names must have the following format:
First name Last name
Example: “Jones, John”
Phone numbers must be in canonical format and must not contain spaces (SIP-URI are not permitted).
Example with area code: +4402034567
Example extension: 567
Name and phone number must have the following format: Name, phone number
Example with area code: John Jones,+4402034567
Example extension: John Jones,567
Name and phone number must have the following format: "Name",Home number,Mobile number,Office number (all three commas must be present for each entry, even if not all phone numbers are present)
Example with all phone numbers: "John Jones”,+4402034567,+015201234567,123
Example with missing numbers: "John Jones",,+015201234567,123
When importing telephone numbers, the entire telephone book is re-written. It is not possible to attach contacts. The imported contacts are not displayed on the base station's configuration interface.
How to import contacts from an HTTP or TFTP server via a telephone book file 
1 Click on "Management."
2 In the field "Management Transfer Protocol," select "HTTP" or "TFTP" as needed.
3 Click on "Save."
4 Click on „Global phonebook".
5 Enter the HTTP or TFTP server's IP address in the "server" field.
6 Add a path on the HTTP or TFTP server with the name "Directory" and save the CSV file to be imported there.
7 Go back to the option "Global phonebook" and enter the file name in the "file name" field.
8 Click on "Save."
9 Restart the base station.
How to import contacts from an LDAP server via a telephone book file 
1 Click on „Global phonebook".
2 Select "LDAP server" in the "location:" field.
3 Enter the LDAP server's IP address in the "server" field.
4 Enter the LDAP server's port in the "port" field.
5 Enter the desired data base (e.g. dc=meta) in the "Sbase" field.
6 In the "bind" field, enter the user name for authentication on the LDAP server.
7 Enter password, as applicable.
8 Click on "Save."
How to import contacts by selecting a phonebook file 
1 Click on „Global phonebook".
2 In the "file name:" field, select the CSV file with the contact information by clicking on "Browse..."
3 Click on "load" to load the file.
4 Restart the base station.
The CSV file's name is limited to 31 characters.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020