The management settings are subdivided into the following areas: "Settings", "Configuration" and "Syslog/SIP Log".
Base Station
Option to enter a name for the base station.
Management Transfer Protocol
The protocol that should be used for uploading/downloading the configuration file / firmware file.
HTTP management upload script:
The server folder or the path where the configuration file is located.
HTTP management username
Username for accessing the configuration server
HTTP management password
Password for accessing the configuration server.
Configuration Server Address:
Option to enter the configuration server's IP address.
SIP Log Server Address
Option to enter the IP address of the server on which the SIP log file should be saved.
Upload of SIP log
Select "activate" if SIP debug notifications should be saved to the configuration server.
Syslog server IP Address:
IP address of the server on which the DECT IP system's log file should be saved.
Syslog Server Port:
Entry of released server port.
Syslog Level
Selection of various logging levels.
Firmware update
In this area, you can configure updates on base stations.
Firmware update server address
IP address of the server on which firmware update files have been saved.
Firmware path
Memory location for the firmware update files .
Required Version
The "Required Version" field is used to indicate the firmware version that should be loaded onto the device (handsets) indicated under "type".
How to update software of base stations and/or headsets 
1 In the field "Firmware Update Server Address", enter the IP address of the TFTP server, on which the update files for base stations and handsets are stored.
You can find a TFTP server for free download here:
2 In the "firmware path" field, enter the root path for the sub-paths in which update files are located. Paths have to be created with the following designations for the update files of the base stations and the handsets:
*Path „8660“ („\rtx\fw\8660\“): this is where the update files are stored for the base stations.
*Path „DECT4024“ („\rtx\fw\4024\“): this is where the update files are stored for the repeater.
*Path „8630“(„\rtx\fw\8630\“): this is where the update files are stored for SwyxPhone D510.
*Path „8830“(„\rtx\fw\8830\“): this is where the update files are stored for SwyxPhone D565.
3 Enter the version number of the software that should be used to update the handset software. All types of handsets are listed.
During the update, all handsets must be placed in the charging station!
4 Save the data for updating handsets by clicking on "Save".
5 For base station update, select whether you would like to update only this base station or all of them.
6 In the field "Required version," enter the firmware version that should be used to update the base station(s).
7 To launch the update with the settings that have been made, click on "start update."
Base stations and handsets will be updated.
Save any time server settings under "Time Settings". The time server is used to synchronize a multi-cell system. It also stipulates the time displayed in logs and on SIP trace information pages, as well as on handset displays.
Time server
IP address of the NTP server.
Refresh time (h)
Time frame in hours for updating the time server.
Time zone
Local time in GMT format.
To apply settings, click on "Save and Reboot."
Should you not reach a time server on the network, you can click on "PC time" to apply the time on your PC for one time. When restarting the base station, however, that time information will be deleted.
Here, you can select the system's location and the language of the web interface in order to configure standard values specific to the region. Per default the time zone and the summertime settings of your country will be used.
After selecting the country and the language, click on "Save and Reboot".
In the "configuration" area, you'll find a view of the configuration made in text form. Here, settings can be saved in a file (*.cfg) for later use. Additionally, a configuration file that has already been created can be loaded.
Passwords are not stored in configuration data when saving. They will have to be set again!
How to save configuration settings in a file (*.cfg) 
1 Select the option "Management | Configuration".
Current settings will be displayed in text form.
2 Click on "Save."
The "save as..." dialog will open, and you can determine a location for saving.
3 The file "settings.cfg" is loaded for further use in your download path.
How to load a configuration file 
1 Select the option "Management | Configuration".
2 Click on "Browse..." and select the desired configuration file (*.cfg).
3 Click on „Load."
4 The settings will be applied.
In the "Syslog" area, system log files can viewed.
In the "SIP log" area, SIP log files can be viewed.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020