helpSwyx Push Notification Service
Swyx Push Notification Service
Via Push Notification Service server services can send notifications to client applications to notify them of certain events. This technology makes the communication between server and client more efficient and thus saves battery since the client’s constant change queries become obsolete.
For the Swyx Mobile for iOS Client push notifications are required to make use of features that are available with iOS 10, e.g. CallKit integration. In addition, for Swyx Mobile for iOS and Android push notifications result in lower battery consumption on mobile devices. Push notification and consequently the aforementioned benefits are available in the Swyx Mobile clients from version 2.0.0 onwards.
Swyx Mobile clients version 1.x which do not support push notifications can still be used with SwyxServer version 11. These clients, however, do not have the CallKit integration and will not be developed further. Users of these versions will be referred to the new version and can automatically transfer the existing configuration to the current version.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020