Configure SwyxWareCore HealthMonitor
The default installation of SwyxWare Core HealthMonitor provides the Prometheus metrics only on localhost. In this step, you adjust the configuration to make the Prometheus interface accessible from the monitoring system.
1 SwyxWareOn the SwyxWare system, open the PowerShell console with administrator privileges and change to the  Core HealthMonitor installation directory.
2 Call the installation script again and specify the ListeningUrls parameter:
.\install-service.ps1 -ListeningUrls "http://*:5000" -StartAfterInstallation
*This configures the service to provide the Prometheus interface on all its own IP addresses on port 5000.
3 Configure an exception in Windows Firewall
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Swyx.Core.HealthMonitor" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5000 remoteip=<ip-monitoring>
Replace <ip-monitoring> with the IP address of the monitoring system. If you do not want to limit the accessibility of the Prometheus interface, leave out the "remote-ip" parameter.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020