Check installation
If you have installed SwyxWare HealthMonitor and are using the Heartbeat in VMWare vSphere for monitoring, make sure that you stop the SwyxWare services for maintenance purposes, BEFORE stopping the HealthMonitor service. The HealthMonitor logs off from vSphere when the service is stopped, so vSphere no longer expects heartbeats.
To verify that you have successfully installed SwyxWare and HealthMonitor, you can perform the following steps:
1 In the Windows Service Manager, check that all SwyxWare services are running. Alternatively, you can use this PowerShell command to do this:
get-service | where-object { $_.Displayname -match "Swyx" -and $_.StartType -match "Auto" } | format-table Status, Name, DisplayName
2 Make sure VMWare in vSphere vCenter receives the Heartbeat from SwyxWare.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020