Configuration of the SwyxWare
For a default installation of SwyxWare, Windows is configured to automatically restart SwyxWare services from Windows when they unexpectedly stop.
The HealthMonitor installation script changes this configuration for all SwyxWare services monitored by HealthMonitor as follows:
Service Error
HealthMonitor not installed
HealthMonitor installed
1st Service Failure
Service is restarted
Service is restarted
2nd Service Failure
Service is restarted
No action
Subsequent service outages
Service is restarted
No action
This setting causes a SwyxWare service that stops unexpectedly to be restarted once by Windows. If a service is terminated more than once, it will not be restarted. The HealthMonitor detects the missing response of the service and stops the VMWare Heartbeat so that the VM is restarted.
If, in your deployment scenario, restarting a service takes longer than the HealthMonitor monitoring threshold, adjust the HealthMonitor configuration accordingly:
1 Open the configuration file “appSettings.json” in a text editor.
2 In the “HealthRules” section, find the entry for the service which monitoring you want to customize.
3 Increase the value "LessThanOrEqual" so that "probingIntervalSeconds" of the service (see configuration of the service in the section "Probes" in the "appSettings.json" file) multiplied by "LessThanOrEqual" is smaller than the value, the service needs for restarting.
The service is queried every 10 seconds (probingIntervalInSeconds=10), If more than 2 queries remain unanswered (LessThanOrEqual=2), the service has less than 30s time to restart.
If you add services to SwyxWare, run the HealthMonitor installation script again to adjust the restart configuration of the new service accordingly. Alternatively, you can manually customize the restart options using the Windows Services Manager.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020