Configure SwyxWare HealthMonitor
1 Open the configuration file "appSettings.json" in a text editor.
2 Make sure that VSphereHeartbeat is set to "true".
3 Remove the comment characters (//) in front of the lines in the “Probes” section.
4 Replace in all "destination" lines the target "sip://" with "sip://<server-ip>". "<server-ip>" is the IP address of SwyxServer.
If you have an installation with multiple network interfaces and the SwyxWare services are fixed to one of the interfaces (see Network Card(s)), use the IP address of that interface. If you use the machine name instead of the IP address, HealthMonitor will use the first IP address provided by Windows for the machine name and not necessarily the fixed one configured in SwyxWare.
5 Make sure that there is an entry in the probes list in the "appSettings.json" for each installed SwyxWare service. If you have not installed a service, also remove it from the Probes list.
Services that are monitored via HTTP instead of SIP have an HTTP instead of SIP URL in the "appSettings.json" file at "destination". If the service does not have a verifiable TLS certificate, you can disable the HealthMonitor TLS certificate check for monitoring. To do this, add the setting "skipTlsCheck": "false".
The installation script adjusts the service restart options of the SwyxWare services in Windows. A SwyxWare service that terminates unexpectedly is restarted only once by Windows. The installation script only adjusts the services that are configured in "Probes" in appSettings.json Therefore, run the installation script again when adding or removing probes.
The following example shows a typical configuration for a server with IP
"HealthMonitorApp": {
"Prometheus": false,
"VSphereHeartbeat": true
"Probes": [
"Name": "server",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10,
"responseTimeoutMilliseconds": 5000
"Name": "uaCSTA",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10,
"responseTimeoutMilliseconds": 500
"Name": "linkmgr",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10,
"responseTimeoutMilliseconds": 500
"Name": "conferencemgr",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10
"Name": "phonemgr",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10
"Name": "swyxgate",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10
"Name": "ctiplus",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10
"Name": "faxserver",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "sip://",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10
"Name": "cds",
"Type": "Network",
"Configuration": {
"destination": "",
"probingIntervalSeconds": 10,
"responseTimeoutMilliseconds": 1000
"HealthRules": [
"ProbeName": "server",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 3
"ProbeName": "uaCSTA",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "linkmgr",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "conferencemgr",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "phonemgr",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "swyxgate",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "cds",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "pns",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "faxserver",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "ctiplus",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"ProbeName": "ctiplus",
"MetricName": "swyx_number_of_failed_probes",
"LessThanOrEqual": 2
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": {
"Default": "Information"
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "Console",
"Args": {
"{Timestamp:dd HH:mm:ss.fff} {Level:u4} {ThreadId} {SourceContext} {Message}{NewLine}{Exception}",
"theme": "Serilog.Sinks.SystemConsole.Themes.AnsiConsoleTheme::Code, Serilog.Sinks.Console"
"Name": "File",
"Args": {
"path": "C:\\ProgramData\\Swyx\\Traces\\Swyx.Core.HealthMonitor.txt",
"rollingInterval": "Day",
"retainedFileCountLimit": 7,
"{Timestamp:dd HH:mm:ss.fff} {Level:u4} {ThreadId} {SourceContext,-50} {Message}{NewLine}{Exception}"
"Enrich": ["FromLogContext", "WithThreadId"]
"AllowedHosts": "*"
Last modified date: 02.17.2020