In the following section, the most important terms on the subject of High Availability are explained:
High Availability/Failover
A SwyxWare instance is available to users regardless of a hardware failure or application crash. Downtime should be as short as possible. The SwyxWare HA concept aims for a maximum downtime of a few minutes. Normally the downtime is much shorter, depending on the solution it can even be zero. In general, this approach automatically restores system availability.
The SwyxWare installation and the corresponding data are backed up regularly so that a customer can restore a SwyxWare instance from a backup package. Back-ups are also part of an HA/Failover approach when longer downtimes are acceptable. System availability must be restored manually when backups are used.
Disaster Recovery
The entire infrastructure is destroyed at one location. The system is available from another location (geo-redundancy).
Alternatively, if longer downtimes are acceptable, the system will be restored from a backup after restoring the infrastructure.
Downtime for update/maintenance
The downtimes of the SwyxWare instance during a software or operating system update are as short as possible.
If it is supported by the selected HA/Failover system, the downtime can be very short. In the SwyxWare HA concept up to 10 minutes are acceptable.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020