All settings such as configuration, sites and/or templates are stored in the database of the Portable Device Manager. It is thus recommended to do backups on a regular basis. The following data is included in the backup: definition files, templates, devices and numbers including their parameters.
How to perform a backup of the database files 
1 Close the Portable Device Manager.
2 The database files are located in the following folder (depending on the operating system):
*Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Ascom
*Windows 7 - C:\Users\<User>\Appdata\Roaming\Ascom
3 Copy the Portable Device Manager folder to a CD or a network drive.
How to restore the Portable Device database files 
1 Close the Portable Device Manager.
2 Copy the copied Portable Device Manager folder into the following folder (depending on the operating system):
*Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Ascom
*Windows 7 - C:\Users\<User>\Appdata\Roaming\Ascom
Last modified date: 02.17.2020