'LAN | IP' page
It is necessary for the master base station to be given a static IP address. The slave base stations can have dynamic IP addresses, which they have retrieved on the DHCP server in the network.
Enter here the parameters "IP address", "Network mask", "Default Gateway" and "DNS Server".
Ask your network administrator to reserve IP addresses for the master and standby master base stations.
After a change, start the base station again under 'Reset', so that the effect of the configuration changes can be seen.
This is how you define the static IP address 
1 Choose "LAN | DHCP".
2 Choose "disabled" in the field "Mode".
3 Click on “OK”.
4 Choose "LAN | IP".
5 In the fields: "IP address", "Network mask", "Default Gateway" and "DNS Server", enter the data you have obtained from your administrator.
6 Click on “OK”.
7 Start the base station again under 'Reset', so that the effect of the configuration changes can be seen.
8 Start the web-based configuration. Use the static IP address for this.
This is how you configure a dynamic IP address using DHCP 
Slave base stations can be assigned dynamic IP addresses if the network has a DHCP server.
1 Choose "LAN | DHCP".
2 Choose "Client" in the field "Mode".
3 Click on “OK”.
4 Start the base station again under 'Reset', so that the effect of the configuration changes can be seen.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020