help SwyxDECT 800 SystemStarting the SwyxDECT 800 › SwyxDECT 800 in a network with DHCP
SwyxDECT 800 in a network with DHCP
*Make a note of the MAC address, which is given on the back of the base station.
*In the command line enter:
C:\nbtstat -R
C:\nbtstat -a ipbs-xx-xx-xx
(For xx-xx-xx, use the last 6 digits of the MAC address).
The IP address is displayed in the list under "Name".
*Enter (where is the IP address as found) in the address field of the web browser.
It is also possible to enter the following address in the web browser: http://ipbs-xx-xx-xx or for the models “PIBS2” http://ipbs2-xx-xx-xx (the last digits of the MAC address should then be used for xx-xx-xx).
You will obtain the homepage of the SwyxDECT 800 web interface. You can configure the SwyxDECT 800 here.
You must log on for configuration. Use the following data to do this.
User name: admin
Standard password: changeme
Please note that the IP address cannot be displayed when using 'nbtstat‘, if the NetBIOS environment is configured for exclusive name resolution via WINS.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020