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AudioCodes Terminal Adapter MP-11x or MP-124 with SwyxWare
The AudioCodes Terminal Adapter is a SIP terminal adapter (often referred to as a SIP FXS Gateway) for the connection of analog terminals (phone, fax machine). The AudioCodes company uses the term MP-11x to identify its FXS-type MP-112 (2 ports), MP-114 (4 ports) and MP-118 (8 ports) multiport adapters. The MP-124/FXS adapter has 24 ports. The functionality and configuration of this equipment is the same except for the different number of ports. MP-10x (MP-112, MP-114, MP-118) adapters use the same firmware but the MP-124 has its own firmware.
The configuration of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter can take place via a web interface by entering the IP address as the web address.
This is how you determine the IP address of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter 
1 Connect the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter to the IP network.
If DHCP is used (as delivered), the adapter has a new, associated IP address. You can find this e.g. in the log file of the DHCP server with the help of the MAC address, which is on the underside of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter.
If the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter is still in the state it was delivered in, i.e., it has not yet been used in an environment with DHCP and if you do not use DHCP, the adapter will have the IP address
How to change the DHCP setting 
1 Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter as the web address.
The Web configuration of the adapter and a window for entering a user name and password will appear.
2 Enter user name and password (default setting: Admin/Admin).
3 Open the page "Configuration | System | Application Settings | DHCP Settings".
4 In the field “Enable DHCP” you can change the DHCP setting (default: Enable).
5 Then save the changes by clicking "Submit" and "Burn", and restart the adapter. This should not be a soft reset via the web interface, but rather a cold start, e.g. by pressing the reset button on the back of the device.
When the equipment is delivered, the file "call_progress_germany.dat" is used for the country-specific ringtones. You can change this file for your own country-specific tones.
How to change ringtones 
1 Open a Web browser and enter the IP address of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter as the web address.
The Web configuration of the adapter and a window for entering a user name and password will appear.
2 Enter the user name and password.
3 Select the page "Management | Software Update | Load Auxiliary Files".
4 Specify the ringtone file in the input field "Call Progress Tones file", or click on "Browse...".
5 Choose a *.dat file and click on "Load File".
The file will be loaded onto the adapter.
6 Then save the change by clicking "Submit" and "Burn", and restart the adapter. This should not be a soft reset via the web interface, but rather a cold start, e.g. by pressing the reset button on the back of the device.
The program DConvert.exe can be used to create another ringing tone file based on your settings. For more information please refer to the Audio- Codes Terminal Adapter home page (
Last modified date: 02.17.2020