help User Configuration › Configure users in the Windows user administration
Configure users in the Windows user administration
This function is not available for SwyxON.
SwyxWare users can be managed in the Windows user administration. There you can
*when creating a new Windows domain user (Active Directory user and computer), directly create an associated SwyxWare user and assign him basic SwyxWare parameters such as name and number
*assign corresponding SwyxWare users to Windows users that already exist
*change basic SwyxWare parameters in the Windows user administration
*when deleting a Windows user account, remove the associated SwyxWare user directly
For information on the subsequent registration or deregistration of the Active Directory enhancement, see Active Directory extension.
When users are created or edited in Windows user administration, this is usually done on an administrator's workstation computer. In order to display the corresponding SwyxWare tabs and wizard pages, please install the 'AD Integration' component of SwyxWare Administration on this workstation computer. The installation of the Active Directory enhancement with the SwyxServer simply expands the AD database with the relevant fields; it does not provide an interface. The scheme of the Active Directory won't be changed.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019