helpTrunks and Trunk Groups
Trunks and Trunk Groups
Trunks and trunk groups as connections from a SwyxWare installation to the outside world
"Trunk" denotes a connection to another network, e.g. the public telephone network. A connection to another network can be e.g. an "ISDN trunk", a connection to the Internet an "SIP trunk". Connections or trunks of the same type are combined to form groups. The trunks of a trunk group then have the same properties (such as the same connection protocol or the same rights parameters). The trunks of a trunk group are thus primarily "capacity expansions" from the user's point of view, with no further differences for their use. A trunk must always be a member of a trunk group.
We distinguish between various trunk types:
*ISDN Trunk (SwyxGate lines)
*SIP Trunk
*SIP Gateway Trunk
*ENUM Trunk
*SwyxLink Trunk (Server-server coupling)
ISDN Trunk (SwyxGate lines)
ISDN trunks are all ISDN lines, - whether for the S0 Basic Rate Interface Connection or the S2m Primary Rate Interface - with which a gateway (SwyxGate) is connected via ISDN cards to the public telephone network or a superior or subordinate telecommunication system.
Installation of the ISDN Cards Installation of the ISDN Cards
To configure a ISDN Trunk, seeCreation of an ISDN trunk.
SIP Trunk
SIP trunks enable the use of VoIP services that are provided by carriers or service providers. The service provider provides you with a phone number or a number range. Alternatively the SwyxWare users can be assigned SIP addresses (SIP-URIs, e. g. "") or entire ranges (e. g. * by the provider, which can be used as an "email address for a telephone". By this means, SwyxWare users can globally reach other SIP-URIs, and be reached themselves. If this service provider also offers gateway services, it will also be possible to reach any phone in the public telephone network via an SIP trunk and the underlying gateway of the provider.
See also SIP Links.
SIP Gateway Trunk
SIP gateway trunks are used for activating gateways which are themselves reached by SwyxServer via an SIP connection. Thus e.g. SwyxConnect is addressed within SwyxWare as a SIP gateway trunk. This allows e.g. telephones in small branch offices to be operated with a local gateway in each case and with a local direct connection to the PSTN. In this way, sophisticated requirements of a company network can also be met when there are numerous small sites (e.g. many shops in a chain of stores).
Only gateways for which profiles are included in the delivery are supported at present.
To configure a SIP Gateway Trunk, seeSIP Gateway Links.
ENUM Trunk
An ENUM link enables you to make SIP calls with ENUM number resolution via the Internet.
A user of a SIP phone is thus able to investigate the SIP address automatically using only the telephone number of the called party, and to convert the number into the SIP address. The called party can then be reached over the IP network in spite of using a 'normal' phone number. This postulate that the called party is registered at ENUM.
See also ENUM Links.
SwyxLink Trunk (Server-server coupling)
SwyxServers at different sites are interconnected via a SwyxLink trunk via an IP route. The SwyxLinkManager assumes control of the connection. You can configure a connection to further SwyxLink sites within the configuration of a SwyxWare trunk, so that status information (logged off, free, speaking) can also be exchanged between users who are logged on to different servers.
It is also possible to use the Collaboration, Video and Instant Messaging features across different servers via the SwyxLink trunk.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019