LED Status Display
To each BRI connection one of the four LEDs is assigned.. The number of the connection corresponds to the number of the LED.
The following illustration shows a slot of the SX2 QuadBRI to identify the Basic Rate Interfaces 1 to 4, shown here as L(ine) 1 to 4:
Fig. 13-3: Lines of the SX2 QuadBRI
The following assignments are valid:
Layer 1 deactivated
red glowing
Layer 1 activated
green glowing
Layer 2 activated
green, blinking
At least one connection is active
red, blinking
The line is being configured
After the hardware for the SX2 QuadBRI has been configured according to the use scenario, insert it into the computer on which SwyxGate is to be installed.
After the card has been installed physically, it will automatically be recognized the next time the computer is booted and a request for the installation of the driver software will appear.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019