help Standby SwyxServerUpdate of an existing standby scenario to a new version › SwyxFax Server installed only on the existing master system
SwyxFax Server installed only on the existing master system
If an additional SwyxFax Server is to be installed on the standby system in the update, the existing scenario should be updated first. After the update, restart the installation and install SwyxFax Server on the standby system.
This is how you update an existing standby installation 
1 Deactivate the database replication. You need to have administrator rights on the master system to do this.
2 Master System
On the system with the master SwyxServer, open an input prompt under “Start | Run... | cmd", and execute:
osql -E -Q "EXEC sp_replicationdboption 'ippbx', 'merge publish', false"
If you use a named SQL Server instance, then please use
osql -S <master-host>\<master-instance-name> -E -Q "EXEC sp_replicationdboption 'ippbx', 'merge publish', false"
*master-host = host name (NETBIOS name) of the master SwyxServer
*master-instance-name> - name of the SQL Server instance on the master SwyxServer
3 Standby System
Open an input prompt on the standby system and execute:
osql -E -d ippbx -Q "EXEC sp_mergesubscription_cleanup '<master-host>', 'ippbx', 'ippbx_merge_publ'"
If you use a named SQL Server instance, then please use
osql -S <standby-host>\<standby-instance-name> -E -d ippbx -Q "EXEC sp_mergesubscription_cleanup '<master-host>\<master-instance-name>', 'ippbx', 'ippbx_merge_publ'"
*<master-host> - host name (NETBIOS name) of the master SwyxServer
*<master-instance-name> - name of the SQL Server instance on the master SwyxServer
*<standby-host> - host name (NETBIOS name) of the standby SwyxServer
*<standby-instance-name> - name of the SQL Server instance on the standby SwyxServer.
If you are updating a SwyxWare V6.0x, end the file replication service (NtFrs) under “Start | Management | Services".
4 Update the standby SwyxServer.
5 Update the master SwyxServer.
After the configuration is finished on both systems, replication is active again.
6 Restart the service 'IpPbxSrv' on the standby SwyxServer in order to match the versions.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019