The “Voicemail” Tab
The parameters for voicemail can be specified on this tab.
"Voicemail" must be activated in the user's feature profile.
Default Voicemail announcement
The Voicemail announcement which is pre-selected for all users is selected in this field. All Voicemail announcement files which are made globally available and which are stored in the database will appear in the drop-down list. These hold music files all have the "16 kHz 16 Bit PCM mono” audio format. You can search the network for other files in any WAV format using “Browse” (). After you have chosen a WAV file, it will be converted into the above format and then saved in the database.
If the SwyxIt! telephony client is also installed on your administration computer, you also have the option of using audio equipment to record a Voicemail announcement. When you click on “Record” (), you will be asked for a file name. Then click on “Start” to begin recording. To stop recording, click on “Stop” (). “Delete” () is used to remove the selected file. Please note that you can only delete files which you have created.
If the caller enters the DTMF number ‘0’ during the announcement, the voicemail will be interrupted and the call will immediately connect to an operator(Operator (AutoAttendant)).
Codec used for Recordings
As default, voicemail attachments are sent as WAV files (Microsoft Wave Audio GSM). Alternatively, it is possible to use other implemented or user-defined compressions in order to reduce the size of the attachments. The compression to be used can be configured for all users, or individually for each user. The following settings are possible:
Server Default
Use SwyxServer default (only for user settings)
Microsoft WAV Audio PCM
Default WAV file,
Microsoft WAV Audio G711
WAV file, G.711 compressed
Microsoft WAV Audio GSM
WAV file, GSM compressed (Default setting after installation)
MPEG1 Layer 3 Audio*
mp3 file
Ogg vorbis*
ogg file
spx file
* These compressions have to be provided by the administrator.
It is possible to configure other user-specific compressions (Formats of Voicemail files).
Last modified date: 08/01/2019