help Configuration of SwyxServer › Connection to SwyxServer
Connection to SwyxServer
After starting SwyxWare Administration for the first time, the wizard for setting up a connection to a SwyxServer automatically opens. Create a connection to the SwyxWare set up during the SwyxServer installation by proceeding as described below.
The Windows user accounts that can log on with this user name (and the password belonging to this user name) are specified in the User Properties see The "Authentication" Tab. This is the same login data that also uses for logging on.
How to connect to a SwyxServer 
1 Click the “SwyxWare Administration” entry with the right mouse button to open the context menu.
2 Choose “Connect to a SwyxServer...”.
3 Indicate whether you would like to connect with SwyxServer on the local computer or with SwyxServer in the network. Select a remote SwyxServer from the drop-down list.
4 After making your selection, click on “Finish”.
The connection to the selected server will now be established. If the connection to a SwyxServer was successful, a corresponding entry will be created for this server.
The “SwyxWare Login” window will appear.
5 Follow the steps in section Registration on SwyxWare Administration
If you do not have permanent licenses yet, you will be reminded of this here. To make the temporary licenses permanent, see The “Licenses” Tab.
Dependent on administrator rights, you will see the current base settings for this server in the detail pane (Administration profiles). The complete view, which is visible to a system administrator, is dealt with below. If individual areas of the administration cannot be accessed or if error messages occur during configuration, please contact your administrator.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019