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Call Routing Manager and Graphical Script Editor
The Call Routing Manager is an intelligent module for handling incoming calls. The Call Routing Manager manages a list of rules which describe what should happen to an incoming call and under which circumstances this should take place. Each rule is made up of two basic components; the condition and the sequence of actions. When a call is received, the rule list is examined and a check is run for each rule to see whether the condition applies to the call. A sequence of actions is carried out as soon as a rule can be applied. Once a rule has been applied, all further rules in the list are ignored for this call.
A rule condition consists of the following components:
*The situation of the person called (e.g. “Logged off”, “Speaking”, “Available”)
*Other conditions (e.g. time of the call, number of the caller, extension of the person called)
*Exceptions (e.g. except Mondays, except for a specific caller)
Sequence of Actions
A sequence of actions consists of a list of sub-actions which are carried out sequentially. Actions include, for example:
*Connect To
*Connect Via DTMF
*Send email
*Record Message
*Connect To Loop
*Play sound
*Remote Inquiry
Each of these individual actions has parameters which can be assigned when they are added to the sequence of action. Sequences of actions can be defined and managed independent of the rule definition.
The Graphical Script Editor provides a graphic presentation option, which allows you to create and edit complex sets of rules. See also the Swyx Extended Call Routing documentation. The following text includes information necessary for administration.
The rules themselves, as well as the sub-conditions and actions available for the construction of rules, are defined and stored in the so-called Rule Book.
Each user also has a personal Rule Book with the rules he/she has defined in the SwyxServer user directory. The Call Routing Manager creates a script file called 'callrouting.vbs' which is based on the rules currently activated. This script is analyzed by SwyxServer when a call is received for the corresponding user. This script file can also be found in the user data directory of the user called.
The public Rule Book can be found in the server data directory in the sub-directory 'PhoneClient /Scripts'. This is used if no Rule Book exists for this user (Default call handling).
Please remember that the use of the Call Routing Manager must be approved for the user (The “Properties…” Dialog: The “Relationships” Tab). To use the rules created with the the Graphical Script Editor, the licenses for the option package 'SwyxECR' or 'SwyxProfessional' must have been added (Licensing).
Last modified date: 08/01/2019