DNS (Domain Name Service)
The service DNS resolves the names of the client FQDN, domains, locations and services in the Active Directory in an IP address. If there is no DNS server in the network, install it on the SwyxServer PC.
How to install the DNS server 
1 Click on “Start | Settings | Control Panel.”
2 Double click on “Software” and then select “Add/Remove Windows Components“.
3 In the wizard for Windows components, select “Components | Network Services | Details”.
4 In the dialog field “Network Services”, activate the checkbox DNS (Domain Name System).
5 Then click on "OK".
6 Click in the wizard for Windows components on “Next” in order to execute the installation.
7 After the completion of the setup, click on “Finish”.
8 The Windows DNS server is installed and is then available to you.
Dynamic update must be enabled on the DNS server. Dynamic updates makes it possible for important client computer changes, such as IP address, to be registered on a DNS server and to be dynamically updated there. This reduces the manual administration particularly in the case of client computers, which have been assigned an IP address based on DHCP.
Please note that the query of server information via DNS is only possible for clients with Windows2000 or later.
This is how you configure the DNS server for dynamic update 
1 Open the DHCP Administration in Windows under “Start | Administration”.
2 Select the appropriate zone in the console structure.
3 Select “Properties” in the "Action" menu.
4 Check on the “General” tab whether “Active Directory integrated” is selected as zone type.
5 Click in the “Allow Dynamic updates?” list on “Yes”.
The WINS resolution for DNS must be activated on the DNS server. In this case, the WINS server will be queried if a client name cannot be resolved per DNS.
This is how you activate the WINS resolution for the DNS server 
1 Open the DHCP Administration in Windows under “Start | Administration”.
2 Click on the appropriate zone in the console structure.
3 Click on “Properties” in the “Action” menu.
4 Click on the corresponding tab “WINS” or “WINS-R”.
5 Activate the checkbox “Use WINS Forward Lookup” in order to enable the use of WINS resolution.
6 Enter the IP address of a WINS server, which is to be used for the further resolution of names that could not be found by the DNS server.
7 Click on “Add” in order to add the IP address of the WINS server to the list.
8 If necessary, activate the checkbox “Do not replicate this record” for the WINS entry.
9 Close the DNS administration.
When using dynamic update, the resource entries are automatically added when computers are started in the network. In some cases these are not automatically deleted if the computers are removed from the network. If a computer e.g. registers its own resource entry for the host (A entry) while starting and if this computer is later disconnected from the network improperly, its resource entry for the host (A entry) can no longer be deleted. If there are e.g. mobile computers in the network, this may occur more frequently. A DNS server which loads the obsolete resource entry, will then sent obsolete information as an answer to queries. This will result in name resolution problems in the network. In order to avoid these problems, the DNS server provides the “Aging” mechanism for resource entries. Please see the Microsoft documentation for more detailed information on this topic.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019