help Connection of SwyxPhone and SwyxIt! › Licenses for System Phones › Licenses for System Phones
Licenses for System Phones
When SwyxWare is implemented, you can telephone using the telephony client , SIP telephones and so-called system phones. Valid system phones here are desk phones from third-party manufacturers.
A separate system phone license is required for each system phone that is to be operated using SwyxWare. When telephones are purchased within a SwyxWare installation (SwyxPhone), this individual license is included, i.e. SwyxServer will either recognize the SwyxPhone automatically (Whitelist), see The “Licenses” Tab, or an individual license for the system phone is included in the package, see Install and update Whitelist.
If a system phone cannot log on due to a missing license and no licenses have been provided, please contact the supplier of this system phone.
A telephone license does not include a user license, it only serves to authorize the system phone to SwyxServer.
If a user is simultaneously logged on to SwyxServer with a SwyxIt! and a system phone, he will only need one user license but he will also need a license for the system phone if it is not a SwyxPhone.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019