help SwyxWare InstallationSeparated Services › Installation of a SwyxWare component on an additional computer
Installation of a SwyxWare component on an additional computer
To install an additional SwyxWare component, please proceed as in the case of the installation of SwyxServer, whereby you only select the component you would like to install. See SwyxWare - Run Setup.
Please note that Microsoft .NET Framework must also be installed for a separate SwyxWare component.
In the case of a reduced installation, use the same domain user account under which SwyxServer was also installed.
After the installation and configuration, the corresponding services are started on this computer.
Please note that in the case of a separated installation, the corresponding service must be started on this computer. Otherwise, this functionality will not be available.
The administration of the SwyxWare components takes place via the SwyxWare Administration.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019