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Configuring SwyxFax Server
If SwyxFax Server is installed, you can use SwyxWare Administration to change the SwyxFax settings, to display a list of the fax documents on the server and to observe the state of the fax channels.
This is how you start the configuration of SwyxFax 
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and establish the connection to the SwyxServer.
2 Click the SwyxFax entry with the right mouse button to open the context menu.
3 Select “Properties”.
You can now configure the settings for SwyxFax as described below.
By clicking on "OK", any changes made will be implemented after closing the settings. There is no need to halt or restart the SwyxFax Server service.
In order nonetheless to restart SwyxFax or other services after a configuration, you can prevent new calls and logins. Existing connections can be completed without disturbance. See How to prevent new logins and new calls. You can then halt the service in the administration of the services (e.g. likewise in the MMC application).
Last modified date: 08/01/2019