help Routing › Extended Least Cost Routing
Extended Least Cost Routing
Extended Least Cost Routing enables a remote access to the public network (SwyxGate).
When creating the connection between a SwyxWare user at the Dortmund site to a subscriber in the vicinity of the London site, the SwyxServer at the Dortmund site can determine that the dialed subscriber can be reached via the Trunk based on the parameters of the Trunk assigned to London. This means that the telephone connection from Dortmund to London is e.g. first made via the WAN connection and then via the ISDN Trunk in London to the external subscriber in ISDN.
A common wish is that the calls from Dortmund can signal a calling party number from Dortmund. On the "Numbers" tab of the corresponding trunk, you can define which number should be signaled e.g. in ISDN to the called party. The ISDN trunk in London then must be able to use foreign numbers (i. e. a Dortmund number) for outgoing calls. The ISDN function "CLIP no screening" is used for this: it has to be requested separately from your provider.
The Least Cost Routing of the SwyxServer in London and the corresponding provider is naturally used once again for the connection via the SwyxGate in London to the external subscriber.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019