Further examples of number replacement
The following table lists examples of possible uses of placeholders in number replacement.
The placeholders are identified by their position in relation to @:
*before the @
Beginning at the @, all characters to the left are replaced.
Here: Everything to the left of the @ up to the string "sip:231" is inserted between the string "sip:123" and the @.
*after the @
Beginning at the @, all characters to the right are replaced.
Here: Everything to the right of the @ up to the string "firma.de" is inserted between the @ and the string "lanphone.com".
ATTENTION: It is not possible to insert more than one * before or after the @.
If no @is present, the placeholder is classified as "before the @".
Here: Everything to the left of the @ up to the string "sip:231" is inserted between the string "sip:123" and the @.
The placeholder after the @ has no match in this example, and is not further replaced.
Here, everything between the string "sip:231" and the @ is ignored.
Everything between the @ and the string ".firma.de" is inserted between the @ and the string ".web.de".
The number '+4915' is replaced by ’+49800283015’
All numbers beginning with '+4915' are replaced with ’+49800283015’.
Any numbers starting with '+4915' will be replaced by numbers beginning with ’+49800283015’, i.e. +49151234567 will be replaced by +498002830151234567.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019