Delete imported files
How to delete parameter definition files 
1 In the "File" menu, select the option "File management".
2 Select the "Parameter definition" tab.
3 Select the files to be deleted.
4 Click on "Delete".
5 Click "Yes" in the "Delete files" dialog.
6 Click on "Close".
How to delete software files 
1 In the "File" menu, select the option "File management".
2 Select the "Software" tab.
3 Select the software to be deleted.
4 Click on "Delete".
5 Click "Yes" in the "Delete files" dialog.
6 Click on "Close".
How to delete language files 
1 In the "File" menu, select the option "File management".
2 Select the "Language" tab.
3 Select the language file to be deleted.
4 Click on "Delete".
5 Click "Yes" in the "Delete files" dialog.
6 Click on "Close".
Only language files for devices (*.lng) can be deleted. Language files of the Portable Device Manager (*.xml) are not available
How to delete phonebook files 
1 In the "File" menu, select the option "File management".
2 Select the "Company Phonebook" tab.
3 Select the phonebook files to be deleted.
4 Click on "Delete".
5 Click "Yes" in the "Delete files" dialog.
6 Click on "Close".
Last modified date: 08/01/2019