help SwyxDECT 800 SystemPortable Device Manager (PDM)File management › Definition of the file version - parameter version
Definition of the file version - parameter version
Both definition files and software files for the devices contain parameters and are indicated by a version number.
If a device is associated with a number in the Portable Device Manager and being updated to a new software version containing a different parameter version, a new definition file is not always necessary. An old definition file can be used multiple times. If, however, new parameters are added by the new parameter version, these parameters are not editable. If the old definition file is not available anymore, it is highlighted in red.
How to import a package files 
Package files contain different file types, e.g. software files, parameter definition files and/or template files. If a certain file is not included in a package, it can be imported separately.
1 In the "File" menu, select the option "File management".
2 Select the "Parameter definition" or "Software" tab, and click on "Add".
3 Select the package files (*.pkg) to be imported and click on "Open".
All files contained in this package will be imported.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019